Amazing transfer opportunity to GEA College, Slovenia • Kolegji Europian i Kosovës Kolegji Europian i Kosovës | Lajmet

Amazing transfer opportunity to GEA College, Slovenia

Europe certainly seems closer with the European College of Kosovo. The latest news from the office for international cooperation is amazing for students who wish to study in universities in some of the most well-known capitals worldwide.
       According to the cooperation agreement between the European College of Kosovo and the GEA College in Slovenia, students of the European College of Kosovo can now transfer to Ljubljana to study for a semester, due to the Erasmus+ student exchange program.
       Erasmus+ is the newest educational program of the European Union that aims to modernize the educational system and adapt the needs of the labor market in a world which is in constant change.
Erasmus+ connects the seven previous educational programs of the EU by facilitating the orientation of the beneficiaries and the rules of participation.
