The next success for the European College of Kosovo is the agreement with International Balkan University. • Kolegji Europian i Kosovës Kolegji Europian i Kosovës | Lajmet

The next success for the European College of Kosovo is the agreement with International Balkan University.

Cooperation agreements between the European College of Kosovo, educational institutions, and other international organizations are not a novelty.
       The international cooperation office of the European College of Kosovo marks their next success with signing an important collaboration agreement that gives a lot of opportunities to the ECK family, which are our students and our academic and administrative staff. The next agreement has been achieved with the International Balkan University of Macedonia, which is one of the most renowned institutions in the Balkans and beyond.
       The benefits of this agreement and other agreements executed so far, besides the fact that the European College of Kosovo is recognized beyond state borders as one of the most prestigious and higher educational institutions in Kosovo, they also open paths for students towards Europe not only for studies but also for job opportunities in their respective study fields!

The mission of the International Cooperation’s Office is to create opportunities for students of the European College of Kosovo to travel toward Europe!

