Another opportunity to transfer in Slovenia ! • Kolegji Europian i Kosovës Kolegji Europian i Kosovës | Lajmet

Another opportunity to transfer in Slovenia !

As the only European institution of higher education in Kosovo, European College of Kosovo brought innovation continuously in the field of higher education. Starting from the possibilities to transfer in Barcelona, Munich, Monteux, Geneva, New York, Varna, Istanbul to the international lectures from most known places for education such as Paris, Rome etc.
       The last collaboration agreement signed between European College of Kosovo and International School for Social and Business Studies open the doors for collaboration with a very serious university from Slovenia which makes possible for the students of both institutions to transfer from Kosovo to Slovenia and vice versa. However, what makes this agreement for collaboration special is the possibility that the Kosovo students have to earn a 50% scholarship due to their transfer in Slovenia.
       Within a short period of time the academic staff of both institutions will also start the cooperation to include the professors from International School for Social and Business Studies in the European College of Kosovo and vice versa. With no doubt, we can state that the academic year 2016/17 for the students of ECK will present new studying possibilities, in the most prestigious universities in Europe.